WHERE IN THE MULTIVERSE IS BOOSTER GOLD? In the “All In One-Shot,” a brand new extended Justice League based in the watchtower is created, with Booster Gold as a member. An alternate version of Darkseid attacks, causing a portal to the Alpha World (from the end of Dark Nights Death […]
Comic Books
Uh, Actually… Unless you’re James Gunn, no one knows. But, over the three years he has been a Co-CEO of DC Studios, he’s tried explaining it and has only made it more confusing. Good news- I think I’ve got it figured out REBOOT OR NAH? The DCU is completely new […]
INTRODUCTION You want to know what the hardest part about being a DC fan is? It’s not having worse sales than Marvel, It’s not having to justify your favorite character being called a “glup shitto” and it’s not even having to argue about the bad characterization or adaptations. It’s getting […]
INTRODUCTION Marvel’s revolutionary initiative has been going on for almost a year (I know, they grow up so fast…) and if your on the fence there’s never a bad time to hop in to this outstanding story. WHERE TO START? The overarching narrative starts in “Ultimate Invasion”, which isn’t super new […]
Uh, Actually… Getting into comics isn’t all that hard! It’s a beautiful artform that is so impactful to modern day pop culture. Some people look at comic books as a form of kids reading, or the stuff that loosely inspires the movies they see just to have an excuse to […]